Tuesday 16 August 2011

Science in Beauty

Sun exposure. Junk food. Lack of sleep. Excessive drinking. They all play a big role in ageing your skin before its time. The eyes are where we start to age first. A tiny line here, crow’s feet there…

The concerns of ageing skin had definitely been more on my mind with my 28th birthday approaching, and so, after deciding I wanted to be pro-active in the matter and start trying to preserve myself - I had a good'ol research into the best products out there! After a lot of talking with friends and researching the best and most effective ingredients I came across Xtend-Life. They're based in Christchurch, New Zealand and having been impressed by their thorough and informative website I placed an order with them for their Age Defense Active Day Cream and Eye Contour Serum! I've been using the products for a few months now and really like them - so I wanted to share my 'find' with you.

Xtend-Life promise that their products are specially formulated to outperform all other skin care products anywhere in the world… at any price, and even offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. (you cant beat that can you?!)
Check 'em out - I hope you like them as much as I do!

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